>>20466795I can't buy a laptop ?
Nigga i just bought it, the fuck are you on ?
I knew it was broken when i bought it, it was just extremely cheap ( 200$ for a Ryzen 9 & RTX 2060 and i even negociated for 120$ by bullshitting the guy )
I used to sell refurbished PC's as a living, you fucking shitskin i know more than you ever will, this laptop, even broken, is worth more than your whole fucking life in the eyes of the local cartel
You're mad and you start lying to cover up the fact that you're jealous a whit boy knows how to repair a laptop and you don't, you lazy ass piece of shit
The only thing your country is known for is a midget playing with balls, and you tell me i should be embarrassed of you ?
Get the fuck outta here, nigger