As you jump you hit your fucking face on the ground, breaking some teeth and drawing the women attention to your position
They fire a bit at your location, one bullet hits your leg
“Nah it aint yet boah”
“But ill tell you this, when you see the light, you aim for em heads will ya boah”
He swings a note in his guitar and you wake up
You go to ride into the fray in your enthusiasm but forget the fact that you’re riding in a reinforced position
They open fire at you as you get closer, the bullet hits marcellus and makes him fall, dropping you in the ground
You fall next to 2 of them
“Say your prayers human” says one of them as shes about to pull the trigger
Then they both get headshotted almost instantly
You see a man like pic related outside the grocery store near you
>>8732465>>873245127 and 43
Red cloud fires at them with his bow, but since they’re a bit far and inside a building you miss almost all of them
Black buffalo goes to try out the weapon, it starts firing rapidly but since you are not used to it your fire is pretty bad and it doesn’t hit anything remotely close
You both see the cowboy riding close to their position, his horse gets shot up and as he’s about to get killed a man like pic related shoots two of the women near him, saving him from death
You fire at them but they are getting inside a house, you miss all of your shots
You see your buddy cowboy waking up