/MBG/ Make Babies General: We need more of them, make it your mission to do your part!
Anonymous No.6219406 View ViewReport Quoted By:
It's simple, really. Give or ask advice on making new babies, or raising babies or children in a politically incorrect way. That is, bringing children into the world with love and knowledge, rather than lies and propaganda.
Bringing new humans into this fucked up world isn't easy. Some balk at the prospect for that very reason. Others have difficulty finding a partner. Yet we need to procreate, for many reasons, not the least of which is we are being outbred.
So, a general on finding the right mate, nurturing that relationship, conceiving children, then raising them right.
Concept only at this point, no list of links to enemy media, would prefer in-house advice, though good info and good links would be welcome, as always.