>>10151097Mate death is real.
Dead people are not alive in an alternate dimension called the spirit world.
Dead people feel nothing.
Jesus died to save you and everyone who ever lived from death.
There is no afterlife apart from resurrection. The wages of sin is death, to cease to exist.
Jesus died on the cross for your sins to save you and everyone else from death.
Jesus really died, if his father, God had not raised him up from the dead he would still be in that tomb.
When Jesus died on the cross and rose again from his tomb on the third day, he payed for all the sin in the universe.
Thanks to this, everyone who ever lived will now live forever with God. Hell exists but it is not forever. Jesus did not die on the cross to save people from hell. Evey one will be salted with fire. Either in this life or the next. On judgment day some people will make it and others will not based on their works in this life. Those that got away with doing evil in this life will be disciplined by being executed with fire. They will return to being dead as the fire turns them to ash. Later on Jesus will raise those that died in the fires of hell. On that day Jesus will kill death itself and God the father will be all in all.
This is true weather you believe me or not. If you do, and you do not believe in the trinity, or free will, then congrats you believe the gospel. If this faith in you endures to the end you will rule and reign with Jesus in heaven.
Jesus died for the demons too. This is the gospel of the circumcision, or Paul's gospel.
Read more here at
http://martinzender.com/https://bible-truths.com/http://www.askelm.com/http://saviourofall.org/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4ZCF5uimoIhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRsfZBuPIHY&list=PLxf38ffwGka3lgpto_sqbOsTuEKWJauwK&index=2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=As3h3Uh_6U0&t=5shttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDsurwJM8Pchttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0BZdAMl8mE