>>72483>You're a conspiracy theorist. Really? What made you think so? Perhaps that modern liberal programs mirror Frankfurt school 1 for 1? Just like Marcuse proposed, with shunning of opposed views as oppression and total intolerance to any other camp? Aimed at destruction of capitalism?
Or was it that Wikipedia mentions Cultural Marxism as conspiracy theory? Despite it was kinda real and kinda infiltrated the university network of US, and then government? With Hillary Clinton having been a disciple of Alinsky?
Wow. (((Pure coincidence))).
>The promotion of excessive drinkingThat's right; that;s because it's the older version. It changed to drugs and such. See: why lefties are for pot so much.
>Emptying of churchesYou see, by their own, these things can be seen as just critical views against society. But altogether, they form a front. A coordinated front.
Liberals are against Western nation state. As soon as anyone says "this country is for people born here", they get labeled far-right. New Left knew Hitler was their doom. And note how Hitler was so much pro-tradition and religion. Coincidence?
Not really. Bolsheviks destroyed church first thing when they came to power. Not surprisingly, because that's what Marx said, and Frankfurt school was built on Marx and Freud.
Church is one of the pillar holding the national identity together. New Left destroy every aspect of it, or "dismantle" it as they say. Sometimes they don't do it directly: they add minorities to it, like Islam, which then turn to majorities.
While a lot of their criticism for church is actually reasonable, they never name 1 good thing about it. Because ultimately, they're biased against it, for their goal.