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now two things at our Niggas with integrity cookibg shou (name pending) we boast around are
>pale skin
and in order to provide integrity you need set and setting
>1. mind your dosage
weigh out your shit, mind how many seeds and branches you leave in as those will reduce effect in the overall effect
>2. don't be stingy on kief
it's the best part, sprinkle atleast half of what fell down the mesh
>3. ritual
nothing says integrity like a good ritual, and what sepparates us, niggas with integrity, from other junk fiemds is pale skin, integrity and rituals
fry your dank on the stove, feel the aroma in your nostrils, enjoy the nice fumes from it
>4. mind the temperature
you are here to fuse with the sense of nature once again, if you go pass a certain limit you will fry your shit brown, if you don't have a sense for how hot the stove is how can you have sense how cold you were to your boyfrirnd or girlfriend, how can you know they're nor leaving tomorrow, how can you know