>>21704814their flagship is called Queensway, its in the central part of a major gold trend set along the "Appleton" fault zone. This fault has a large number of near surface gold in outcrops, mostly contained in quartz stockworks and fissure veining. Their focus has been primarily around the Keats zone and the Keats West discoveries. At Keats zone the companies excavated a massive outcrop with easily visible gold at surface which continues down. Pic related. I need to reread their more recent news but there was some discussion a while back around using an existing nearby mill to speed up a proposed test mine on the site, but i ll need to confirm that. Note, most of the gold mineralization discovered in this trend is "nuggety", meaning its not disseminated across the whole vein, only appearing in rough chunks or blebs or as rough smears in various places. This makes planning a mine around the ore body more challenging, but its not impossible.