>>13100767>Yeah no shit that was my point idiot. He's trying to discredit information by saying I should have "done something" about Trump not being re-electedNo Nigger
you don't get it.
The Psy-Op Engineered a Public that would be engaged in their own Identity as Political Platform - muh patriots - that would syphon Energy and Coordination from actual Political Action that would Help their own Interests while Seeding a mass of people that could be Manipulated through their own Self-Perception and Sentiments.
It was the "Right" version of Occupy Wallstreet
They got IDPOL'd with Diversity and Feminism
The Right got IDPOL'd with Muh Q.
i.e. ; We talk about White Replacement, not the fact that we are /pol/acks.
To Conclude;
It made the Right focus on Identity and
not on Policy , helping the Left just annihilate Trump
and Neo-cons influence him at everyturn.