>>3967744I can't believe I'm replying to this. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt one time. This story is the equivalent of... well, it's Hillary "opposition research" originating in anonymous sources and funneled through several proxies. Those original sources were alleged to be Russians. So... if the stuff on your news channels about zombies and patriotic aliens and things is true, then all your info must be true, right? No chance that your default mode of communication is lying. No chance everyone in the world knows that and trusts you about as far as they can shit a volkswagen.
When I believe that story about Putin training a Cthulhu to attack submarines, I will believe your reliably-sourced urine story. Until then, learn how the fucking world works. If you actually believe what you're saying, then you have a chance to stop being a slave. If you're just another paid shill--unless that's just a big right wing conspiracy theory too--then you've sold your soul and will be a slave forever.
Stop SHILLING the fuck out of my paranormal thread.