Quoted By:
>Find out about the only creative board left on 4chan.
>Come back the next day
>There's an anime thread and somebody hates it.
>Come back the next day
>Every single thread is anime
>The creativity, the soul is gone.
>Decide to wait it out
>few months or so later come back yet again.
>Still every single thread is anime spam.
>There are people wasting their lives by spending all day ruining this board on purpose for no reason.
>I thought I found the real /b/, but it only lasted for a day
Fuck you 4chan. You do realize you will be punished for this right? God gave you the gift of life and you use it spamming poop threads on /b/ and anime threads here all day long nonstop and do absolutely nothing else. Why? You can't even see people's faces or anything so it's not like you even get a reaction, except what you decide people must be looking like in your heads. And you don't even need to ruin a good thing to imagine that shit so why do you do it? I was excited man, I was going to post so much new stuff. I thought I was going to have fun! Just kys fags, you're going to hell anyway.