>"What if": the post vvvv>>7114551G-men are just faceless guys in America today. But what if a lot of citizens knew them personally, knew where they lived, who their family members are?
There'd be a lot less shady shit because it's easy to fuck over someone you've never met than it is to fuck over someone who lives in your area, knows your activities, etc.
It's easy to be irresponsible and get away with it when your base is in the hundreds of thousands that don't care because they know their vote doesn't really matter, but in a base numbering no more than 1000, a bad fuck-up could lead to being voted out of office at minimum, or getting torch&pitchforked at worst - after all, it's much easier to organize a revolution of 1000 in the city against a hated, well-known official than it is to organize a revolution of 500,000 against a hated but faceless official.