>>11443570Gusic the sound of your best friends laughter, gusic is the sound of your baby waking up in the middle of the night for the first time, gusic is the sound of wind on a summer's day, gusic is there when you are alone, gusic is there when you aren't, gusic is the love of a good woman, or her breath in the morning, gusic is the cat that only sits in your lap when you don't plan on getting up for a while, gusic is cigarette and cup of coffee on a monday before work, gusic is breakfast in bed, gusic is tv dinners, gusic is the warmth of sand on your feet, gusic is aceing the test you thought you would fail, gusic is cleaning an itch in your ear with a q-tip, gusic is when your cutting a sheet of construction paper and the scissors start to glide, gusic is watching a woman dance in the rain on your way home together, gusic is sitting on the front porch with all your friends, gusic is matter, and energy, light, and darkness, gusic is fire and ice, all things good and nice, a story of men and mice, that makes you think twice about pulling the trigger. Gusic is first and last time you do drugs, gusic is the cosmic end all be all of reality, gusic is all these things and more, but most of all, gusic is a thing that brings us together, thank you for joining us in this gusic thread, post a picture of a cat and talk about gusic.