>>7044373When the court system goes to shit, there is no reason to produce a quality product. If you buy picrelated, what are you going to do, dear citizen? Go to a court? Haha go-fuck-yourself.
But there's more.
The vendor who produces the cheapest shit / bribed more gov-t officials wins gov-t contracts.
Supplying canned food for russian army or prison system etc. now THAT is a fucking goldmine.
https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/154776https://www.mk.ru/social/2012/04/25/697626-fsb-ustanovila-soldat-kormili-sobachey-tushenkoy.htmlUse google translate, you'll not regret it.
>Bootleg canned dog food was produced in Hungary, then fed to Russian soldiers.Fucking kek.
There was a more recent story like 2 years ago. They just took locally produced canned dog food and glued a new labels that said "canned meat" over the old ones.
Some army captain or major made a video where he takes off the label and you can see "Happy dog!" written under it. He got fired immediately. What did you expect?