Writings of mine, mainly in Russian:
cинeвa / lapis, on writing as such, parts 1 to 33, in progress, currently paused, meant to be read with the color scheme specified in it, namely as scheme 2 from cинeвa29.txt:
https://dropmefiles.com/HdK1m https://dropmefiles.com/l8aFAфильтp / filter, on physics-savvy cooking, in progress, rarely updated:
https://dropmefiles.com/Pm5ksпнк / ppeenka, on Ruffini's groundbreaking mathematical treatise, a long story, finished, my best work as of yet:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/qvv4a28hdd6ixbucyтьпpиклaднaяcoциoлoгия / simplyutilitariansociology, on desktop oldschool videogames, novella, finished, meant to be read with the color scheme 1 from cинeвa29 (AquAmarine-silver), pretty fucking badass:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/0rwlv3apm96lme5somuchfun, on some other videogames I happen not to like, and some other stuff, an iteration of ungodly thing once known as NiCeWaTeR, a hit in a purely descriptive sense, presents a conceptual invention-neologism that is, finished for good:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/y8b5jcm80ikc2jwпнк0 / ppeenka zEro, on Ruins of Myth Drannor's lasting effect and not only that, a mini-novella closely related to пнк (forming a diad with it), finished:
https://dropmefiles.com/OYUwSy (pronounced ю), finished:
https://dropmefiles.com/IeJWWSeems to be all.