>>8449568Trust me I know. You're very much about healing and bettering people. You never were one to truly tear someone down just to do it if you could prevent it. You're a very stronk boi there qt. It's one of the many things I admire about you but maybe I just like to flatter.
>Is it still a RP if I bought a 2 foot tall 50 lbs statue of Micheal that cause me $300?..........brosephbrostar what r u doing? You are delving dangerously close to LARP territory there Angel. You really need to get one of my shadowcords to join a tabletop session. We have a modern (paramilitary or criminal), medieval (gods magic and shit) and future (space shit) based sessions that are small going on right now.
I think you'd be a wonderful addition with your abilities already. You'd just need some system knowledge.
I'm glad to see my summoning is still effective especially for its intended summon. It was nice seeing you Angel. Next time we'll do something more sorted (read: romantic) without all all of this static.
I gotta go Angel. Sleep tight.
*kisses your cheek*