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ITT: gnostics and devil worshippers eternally and cosmically BTFO
>mfw gnostics say lucifer freed us from God with the fruit of knowledge of good & evil and adam & eve were slaves
>mfw they actually think this is clever or mindblowing
Answer this: what kind of prison warden gives his prisoners the keys to their cells? What kind of slave master gives his slaves the ability to leave the plantation?
Do not you realize that your entire premise is self defeating? Your short sighted narcissistic world view tells you God wanted adam & eve to live as they were in the garden forever, when this is patently false. God wanted them to eat from the tree of life, but they were not ready and had to be prepared for it. Lucifer was supposed to be their teacher, because of his fall he rushed them into taking his own counterfeit version of what God had to offer and here we are. THE VERY FACT THAT YOU ARE HERE AND ABLE TO CRITICIZE GOD DISPROVES YOUR ENTIRE PREMISE FOR HATING HIM.
And before you say anything, let me also disprove the only rebuttal you have to the above: the Christian God of the bible is not all powerful, aka not a real God, and therefore didn't have a choice but to let adam & eve go. Again, basic logic and critical thinking will disprove this. If Lucifer is the "real God" then WHY DID HE HAVE TO STEAL ADAM & EVE FROM GOD IN THE FIRST PLACE? WHY COULDN'T HE CREATE HIS OWN HUMANS? WHY DID HE ALLOW THE ABRAHAMIC GOD TO HAVE THEM AS "SLAVES" IN THE FIRST PLACE IF HE IS ALL POWERFUL AND ALL LOVING?
You reprobate sinners have no understanding of true love, being NARCISSISTS you can only think in your own self interest. True love is willing to suffer for the best interest of that which it loves, which is what God did in the garden. ITS WHAT JESUS DID ON THE CROSS FOR YOU.