>>17766216Women instinctively want a strong male to protect them and their kids. This makes sense.
But Women aren’t necessarily good at determining what is strong in a male. They can sometimes judge aggressive or abusive behavior as signs of strength, when it’s really signs of low impulse control. So show women your power.
Women want a strong man to build her foundation on. There’s an instinctive need in women to submit to a man, but it has to be a strong man who can protect and nurture the family. He doesn’t have to be chad, just strong and confidant. She will pair bond herself to her mate and never stray.
Weak men can get women, but the women turn into nags and bitter bitches. They resent having to be the strong one. They want to nurture the family and be the caretaker.
I tended bar for 20 years and talked with dozens of women about these ideas. Universally, women want a man who loves and nurtures her and the family, but won’t put up with her shit behavior.
Every woman wants a man who will put her over his knee and spank her when she’s being a bitch or misbehaving. Every. Single. One. Women know when they’re being bitchy, but they can’t help it and want to be corrected. Many many women have told me this.
So don’t worry about not being a chad. Make yourself strong and confident and work hard on yourself and you’ll find a good wife.