>>10646393 >AS (POst-)humAnity Emerges FROm THE NEuRocHEMicaL DARk agEs, ENRiched DoPAMInERgIc funcTiOn IN partICulAR may ShARPEN tHE shEeR inteNSIty and MEANiNgfULnesS Of EVERY mOmENt OF conscioUs EXIstEnCe. foR A gEnERatiOn Whose LIfETimES sPan bOTh moDEs Of awArENEss, iT wIll Be As iF tHeY hAD JusT WOken Up. they WIlL fEEl THeY hAD hItHERTO bEen SlEEp-wALkInG thROUgH lifE IN A TWiLIt StupOR. ThereAfTeR TheIR forMer mUNdaNE ANd mInIMaL ExIsTENCe May be rECallED ONlY as sOme kInd Of zOMBIfIed trANCe-sTAtE wHosE NatURE THEY wERe PhysiolOgicaLLy IncAPABle Of reCogNisiNg.