>>21040880Ah you’re speaking to a man marked for death Fren, been living alone in the woods for the last 3 years, banned from every corner of the internet except this honey pot but the glowfags here know exactly who I am. I was thrown into something at a young age that even now I don’t quite understand completely, it involves secret societies. As a young boy, around 10 I helped rebuild a Masonic Temple in my hometown, the Master Masons had let their old temple fall into disrepair and ruin, and it couldn’t be salvaged. Imagine that, a whole cult LARPing as master architects and builders, couldn’t come together for a single weekend to fix the roof of their temple. Instead they let it fall into disrepair while the person in charge of the purse, did whatever they did with the money. So with no money for repairs, and a useless group of builders who can’t fix a roof. My old man got them into a new temple that I helped build when I was a little boy. This cult is called the Freemasons. The Freemason Shriners do Satanic rituals involving children, and the Pennsylvania Supreme Court rigs the system for them. I was at a Shriner gathering as a little boy, and some old pervert made a perverted joke about camels milk, and how he had desecrated it with his bodily fluids. This same old pervert would alter go on to offer to buy me any toys I wanted if I left my family and went with him. Shit got weird, he got desperate to a practical point of begging. Somehow I end up at the rinky dink local water park, which is practically a glorified bathhouse. To spend the day hanging out with a Perverted Shriner pedophile who continued to beg me to leave with him, kept trying to get me to sneak away with him. The day ended with my dad making me run up the biggest flight of steps back to the car, running away from a fat pathetic old pedophile who was out of breath from chasing us.