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Dr. Steven Greer is adamant that gray aliens crashed at Roswell, and that more aliens have been shot down since. He knows this because of his contacts. He also states the military has had anti-gravity since 1954. In his book, Unacknowledged, he mentions how elements of the military use human-made UFOs to traffick drugs and weapons, and how the tic tac UFOs are human-made.
He asserts humans possess psychic abilities because of the consciousness field, UFOs can fly because of the consciousness field, aliens can teleport in from anywhere in the universe because of this field, and there are other entities in this field that are not necessarily biological aliens. He has meditated in groups to summon three aliens and has taken pictures of them. One of the aliens had a red triangular head with black eyes on the side, and he healed someone's hearing. One of the aliens appeared to be some kind of celestial or plasma alien, and the third was a grayish alien claiming to be from the Andromeda galaxy named Bijou. Dr. Steven Greer is constantly working for disclosure, and has retired his medical career.