>>9597415I had a dream that our world was a sort of esoteric MMO where reality was divided into nine layers and at the top was heaven which was extremely difficult and punishing to reach but a gentle, relaxed reward that could be abandoned at any time, and at the bottom was hell, which was extremely fun with indulgence after indulgence on the way there, but eternal torture once a person reached the lowest layer and there was no way out. Also the sun shifted colours depending on which layer a player was in or at random intervals, and winked out into a howling eclipse once someone reached hell, and turned into a sun similar to the normal one but wouldn't hurt to stare into. Most people ended up going to hell, even those that went into heaven, because shifting layers also caused someone's memory to fog unless they were strong-willed and temptation was always present, getting worse and worse the more someone descended, so even if it was possible to go down a few layers and then back up, it wouldn't be remotely possible to sustain indefinitely. I decided fuck the system and stayed on the starting layer insulting randoms when they spawned and chilling while watching the stars which were normal on the starting layer, instead of the different shades that were on other layers. I don't even play any MMOs.