>>10753906in general i'm not super sure. i generally don't use ironsights unless i absolutely as long as something isn't super far away it's just way faster to hip fire and correct off the impact point if you miss. there's a holo sight you can add on at upgrade stations which seems to be very accurate but the scope itself is so fucking huge that it leads to it being really unintuitive to use since it's quite far from the barrel actual barrel on the pistol at least. fortunately you can also add a laser sight which is very accurate and doesn't require you to actually align the gun with your view to use so i rely exclusively on that.
with the assault rifle i didn't even bother with spending the resources to put the holo sight on in favor of saving up for the laser sight. it has really wacky recoil though so any fine aiming is just to line up with center mass initially so you can spray and pray