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Ok, let me take a stab at this...
Jesus' teachings as conventionally understood are incorrect. That is, rather than literal, most of what is preached is metaphorical in truth. In particular, Jesus' message was not about individual salvation (ie we are all separate individual souls needing redemption through allegiance to a belief per se), but rather in line with the mystical tradition found in all world religious traditions, called Perennial Philosophy. Namely, that the true Self, the true 'me' is actually the Godhead itself, Ultimate Reality, interacting with itself through a multitude of forms. Realizing this in the individual sense and carrying it out to its logical ends allows one through 'faith' (sheer belief, confidence) to command miracles simply because all things are One. The perception of separation between people, objects, and the environment are simply an illusion produced by a limited perspective. Overcoming this requires focus, meditation and somewhat an ascetic lifestyle. The rich do not enter the 'Kingdom of Heaven' (the conscious awareness of the spiritual reality of things) because their perspective is rooted in materialism typically, but anyone is capable of having this realization.