>>10659518 >cAN eTHIcS EvEr aSPIre To be A RiGOrOUs AcAdemic diSCipLINe thaT DeLiVeRS aN imPARtIAL pErSpectIVe EMbRAcIng tHE InTerESts Of All sEnTIeNT LIfe: tHE wElL BeINg of poSThUmAn, HUmaN anD NON-huMaN ANiMaLs; hYpOThEtIcAL exTRA-terREstrIAL life, fUTure "CYBOrgS", AND ARtiFICiaL LiFE ALIKE? oR Will EThiCs ALways seRVe tO rATionALIzE THe SelF-intEResT Of THe wOrLD’S most poWErFul lIFefoRmS?