America land of the free sentencing WHITE men to daily ANAL RAPE, slavery and beatings
Kyle, a 17 year old 90lb 5'5" white boy with a baby face has likely already been gang raped by fellow inmates whilst he awaits a bail hearing, it is unlikely inmates will use protection despite high rates of HIV.>When a new inmate enters an open barracks prison it triggers a sort of competition among the convicts as to who will seduce and subjugate that new arrival. Subjugation is mental, physical, financial, and sexual. Every new arrival is a potential victim. Unless the new arrival is strong, ugly, and efficient at violence, they are subject to get seduced, coerced, or raped . . . Psychosocially, emotionally, and physically the most dangerous and traumatic place I can conceive of is the open barracks prison when first viewed by a new inmate.(206)