>>170237831277 days prophesying in sack cloth and ash
white regiment and gold to hide the shame of
my nakedness
beginning 1290 days after she died on
Groundhog day 2/2/16
God literally showed me my death the day I met Him
And when it happened, Lightning Struck from East to
West, and the sun rose in the middle of the night. And
I was watching and waiting when it happened I Knew
He Declares The End from the Beginning
He Loves to speak in parables
His Words are Works
Faith without Works is Dead
His Power is in His Word
>>17023784Whether He shall come on the First Watch or the Second or the Third,
The Goodman of the House Knew on what watch the robbers were coming
and watched and sufffered not his house to be broken into
God takes those servants in the Harvest of the Lord who showed up for Work
at any point in the day and were found watching and waiting when He came like
a Thief in the Night to the Wedding Supper of the Lamb
The Magnetic Core already stopped, The Magnetic Field has almost disappeared
and is finally off its rocker in the Trimag Scans of the NP the Pole Shift has Begun