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the badger is an personification of principles partaining to chaos, luck, consequences and detarminism-> actions and reactions
the encounter with an badger can result in ominous future predetermined events
if you pass by a badger and you are in a company of another person one of you will have the chaos factor diminished and will subsequently have a pretty mundane week ahead of you
the other will not be so (un)lucky because the chaotic and frivolous fate has cooked them quite a specialty of a week
it will not be stricly positive or negative, it will be very balanced but it will be more polarising
>usually we perceive very small dips and peaks in comparative retrospective analysis of events taken place
the other party will therefore experience bigger dips and bigger peaks in positive and negative outcomes disrecpetfully
since 2 and 2 areu for and so is 2 times to also four, then 2 and two times too is 18
the chaoyic element that captovates the position in life around you gets 18 times more chaotic
but if you encounter the badger alone your chaos will not be poured out from one next to you- to you, the unpredictability will be merely incresed passively with dire consequneces
to remove the possibity of getting f-ed by.the curse of badger one must slay a badger in active combat or by cathing it by surprise. modus operandi of badger sacrifice is not relevant. What is relevant is that the badger slayer has to eat the stew of the meat and bones of the badger, and the slayer has to eat chicken temders and fries fried in badger fat. as a reward the slayer gets to keeo the fur and is free to make beardwax and tan oil from badger tallow
thanks for listening to my ted talk