>>10490709Im from Bosnia and live in the US. I have always seen these dogs as aggressive or just apeshit insane...until i got one myself. growing up we never had dogs in the house, it was always an outside thing. But with him, it was the first time i saw my parents act like children around a dog. I do agree they can do damage, which is why fatality rates are high, imagine the bite % compared to chihuahuas though, just because they cant really do damage, you dont see them in the news.
I believe in training, i would never have an untrained dog, and since majority of the people that do have them, are uneducated or just want something as a ststus symbol, end up creating something that they cant handle or dont understand.
Here is Dino, 7 1/7 yrs old, hates cats, dislikes small dogs, gets along with big dogs.