>>11502349You can eat a bullet yonkers. I told you I'm not into it.
>>11502357Honestly? No. I'm not into the Russian platforms whatsoever. The only gun I'd even consider trying out would be the AN-94 just to experience the wonky action. Not something I'd be killing to get my hands on though.
If I could get a Dragunov that would be cool but I'd probably only use it as a range toy.
>>11502361Oh god anon please delet this. Fuck I threw up a little bit. You need to ship that to me immediately so I can care for it like it should be.
Oh god I'm imagining the barrel. It's probably covered in rust. Fuck if you're not going to ship it to me for restoration at least watch this.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DMCEutvhDQMake it and care for that gun.
>>11502368Savage Model 10 GRS. I might be biased though so take that with a grain of salt.
>>11502376More russian garbage with no intended purpose. #3 most retarded as you've got less rounds and a fucking break action. This shit looks like some gopnik got drunk looking at a shotgun and a machete then thought "why isn't this a stock?".
>>11502381I'm not cranky I just don't need ice fairy shitting up my gun thread with fake guns and mental gymnastics.