>>5962305No but you can have this pic of my ex-wife and my baby girl.
>>5962310>Instead of looking at the situation, they look at the sexes.FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU you don't know how true this is.
>be me>job>home>car>90k crypto blockfolio>denied custodyWhile she is a literal prostitute sucking money from the government and sleeping with dudes just to get more money.
When they found out I was a schizophrenic they were like "Oh hell no!" when she's A LITERAL WHORE. I had everything and could have given my baby girl the world but instead they want to see that I'm a man and use to be on heavy anti psychotics.
It's fucked up man. I'm so worried about her mom whoring out my baby girl to get that pedo money....