Oi got a loisense to be a nigger? Well apparently the UK is just fine with niggers harming white women of various backgrounds. From Emily jones to a wayward skallywag infront of store begging change from passers by, niggers can seemingly do what ever they want in the UK. Well bollocks I say.links and fings.
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9616807/Homeless-woman-drenched-water-professional-footballer-hurled-racist-abuse-him.htmlhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3FsVbY5ELs [Open] [Embed] (FIRST ENCOUNTER)
Ryan Gondoh is a football player, 23 for Wealdstone FC,
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ryan_Gondohhe assaulted a white blonde homeless woman because mah black fragility.
And posted the video on his Twitter, tweets have since been deleted, but are archived.
https://www.wealdstone-fc.com---ARCHIVED VIDEOS---
https://streamable.com/5cenegSECOND ENCOUNTER/DAY AFTER:
https://streamable.com/3cojdz---ARCHIVED TWEETS---
https://archive.is/vC2V6** Snapchat: gondoh23 **
https://twitter.com/KeeyaKeys/status/1396882965213458434https://twitter.com/RyanGondoh/status/1396878564923002881Previous threads:
>>323231056 #>>323154974 #>>323164317 #>>323175435 #>>323187257 #>>323205504 #Last thread.