Quoted By:
>only 34 but hair so thin I had to shave it off
>most friends making 80 000- $120 000 a year with their own house/condo while i struggle with rent
>had to back to uni because I fell for the trade meme 10 years ago and was told there will always be cars on the road but that doesn't mean people will pay to get them fixed
>have to sit in class with shitskin zoomers who still have hope in their eyes
>at least 10 years from being financially secure but still priced out of the ever increasing real estate market
>forced to ride the subway with crazy hobos who smell like piss
>body decaying rapidly and any muscle gains will diminish in weeks if not constantly maintained
>no politcal power, no pussy, no hope, no money
I just want a small, affordable house paid for by a job that doesnt require switching every 2 years because pay raises are non-existant nowdays. I don't want to have to hear my neighbors constantly but that's too much I ask for in a country that touches 3 fucking oceans