Read the bible. They literally make up quotes and pretend like they are in the bible. Read the text there is lots of bla bla about poverty however the green highlights help you.
Here is a neutral interpretation of the passage.
Remember to keep these pictures around to post to these idiots when ever they start the
>muh synagogue of satancrap.
This one is debunked for a long time.
>An interpretation that could just as easily meanWelcome to why religion is a joke 101 they literally wank quotes or stretch them and milk them. there is no possibility to come up with the folklore religion they made up. No way from reading the text alone.
This is also why the christian method is invalid you can equally arrive at the christian method interpretation that Christianity is based on satan.
Christian church is based on Peter the rock.
And the bible (in chapters long after this, not that stopped christian interpretations ever) tells us that Peter the rock is literally satan and a stumbling block for jesus.
Anyone interested in seeing this in a info graphic?
>Muh thats not a valid method So you admit that all your interpretations are wrong then?