>>6286877>Based Wayne giving it to the german spammerLOL. thanks bro. I guess he either is just parroting data, hasn't read it to put it in his own words or is just an enthusiast trying to awaken others. He's doing good work, but it's really for x.
Most of /pol/ has no idea why I bid for President, It's really about changing the world via this technology. I understand alot of it. I know what's out there. Stuff like the montak project, where your mind can be tranmitted like TV signals into the mind of another person. Project Looking Glass, Project Gallelao, Listen to the bob lazar tapes, write down the projects is how I got started. I'm also an intermediate Electrical Engineer and Advanced computer scientist. While I don't have a college degree, neither did Thomas Edison, Thomas Townsend Brown, Bill Gate or many other inventors.