>>14379650>he assumed it was because it was already back then common knowledge among the educated. Again, who figure it out then!?? How was it “common knowledge” and how did they figure it out in the first place???
>He measured the circumference, which is something entirely different. Clearly You didn’t even watch the video I linked to:
https://youtu.be/heRcTaNuCoUEratosthenes couldn’t have possibly even measure the circumference bc he apparently made the assumption that the moon was only 780 miles away and the sun was only 4080 miles away, WHICH IS IN DIRECT CONTRADICTION TO CURRENT MAINSTREAM SCIENCE WHICH CLAIMS A SIMILAR CIRCUMFERENCE TO WHAT HE MEASURED... Also pic related was his map. Notice the straight longitude and latitude lines. If he actually believed the earth was a spheroid then why was pic related the best map he ever produced??