>>10926203 >soMe PeOple FiNd it dIFFiCULT to undersTAND hOW We Can See the wORlD pRoPERLy WHEN The ImagE Is UPSiDE doWN. ThE RIGht wAy TO tHINk abOUt thIS IS TO ADOPt A CoMpuTAtIONal peRSpeCtIvE. wE dO noT peRCeivE whaT IS oN tHE ReTiNa; InstEad, A PerCEpt IS fOrMEd tHROuGh a COmPlEx CHaiN oF NeuraL COMpuTatiOns. a ConTrOL CoMpuTEr dOEs NOT CAre wHiCh waY Is Up, and iNVErSION of tHe ImagE IS THE LeaST of THe BRaiN'S cOMpuTatioNaL PRoblemS.