>>17184218Ok, anon. I'm not really interested in your semantic games. Writing is a trade, suck my dick.
God is good, ill give you that much. Much of my book is also about proving supernatural authorship of the Bible, historicity of Christianity, the synagogue of Satan fake jews, etc
Maybe instead of being a bitch and starting meaningless fights you should just go read it, lmao
If we could only organize we could crush the jew in one day, but argumentative, bitchy niggers like you would ruin it with your little games.
Since you're clearly a spoonfed, retarded nigger, here's some sources showing that writing can accurately be called a "trade":
https://medium.com/swlh/tools-of-the-writing-trade-every-writer-needs-c6c58326f1b0https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/technical-writing-trade-creative-virtuosity-s-p-https://menwithpens.ca/is-writing-an-art-or-a-trade/https://chaunce.biz/book-writing-tips/is-writing-a-craft-or-a-trade-why-writers-should-care/Thanks for the bumps though nigga, helps me get more views and downloads so I appreciate it
>pic related, you