>>12259591Now, all of us here in this room are suffering from colds, coughs, tuberculosis, cancer of all kinds, polio, leprosy, and everything else under the sun. You may say to me, "Say, that man is touched in the head" but here is the reason why you don't actually feel these things. You are at this moment very wonderfully protected. You have all these potent forms in your system, but because of your normal condition of health they can never gain a foothold to create a condition in your body which would be unpleasant to you. These viruses and these bacterium, each of them, do not affect you and as long as we keep a normal balance in our bodies and also keep a nice even frame of mind and don't back-bite our neighbors, or gulp strongly on the dissipations of life. We then keep a nice healthy body and that keeps the propagation of these bugs in our systems to a minimum. As long as they are maintained at a minimum, we never have to go to a doctor or go to the hospital. But there are some of us who for some reason or another develop these conditions, or in other words we place our bodies in such a condition that these viruses, these diseases take effect. And when they do take effect it is a very important thing that something should be developed in this world which can reach to the very bottom of a disease condition, diseased tissue, or whatever you may wish to call it and eradicate these bugs or reduce them to a condition where they do not bother us anymore.