>>5606153>>5605947I'm happier these days than I've been for a long time, and it's all because I stopped ignoring the things that were weighing me down. I'm taking control of my life, Anon. It's not easy, because as you said it's been rough for a long time, but I'm done with pretending it will sort itself out. With every issue I solve I feel more at ease. With every skill I learn I feel more confident. With every new person I speak to I feel more comfortable and included.
In your opening post you said you were sad, and then two posts later you are suddenly this shining beacon of effortless happiness. I don't buy it. With every post you write it feels more and more like well-practiced self delusion. "feeling good feelings" isn't true happiness. I could sit in my room, play games, jack off, do drugs and eat sugar, but it won't make me truly happy. "avoiding bad feelings" isn't true happiness either. It's finding out what's causing them and then dealing with it that will give you satisfaction, pride and confidence. It's overcoming the fear or rejection, reaching out to people and getting to know them that leads to feelings of friendship, acceptance, inclusion and respect. It's taking control of your day, ignoring the protests of your weaker self and making more meaningful choices that will make you a safer, healthier and more efficient person.
I wish you well, I really do. And I admire your kindness and positive mindset. But I don't think we agree on this. I don't believe happiness is something that comes easily. In fact, I don't even think it should come easily. If you do not work hard to achieve something then how can you truly learn to value it?
Anyways, I've wasted enough time in this thread. I have stuff to do, challenges to overcome. Good luck and have a good day, Egyptbro.