FUCK JANNIES This is my last post, I won't continue.
>>403296056>why and who noticed the bulge first? 0w0LOL.
>Look at pyramid>Look at earth"I recognise that buldge"
Anyway, when the bulge is taken into account you can get the average diameter of the earth out of it.
Back to the pyramid for a second and an amazing coincidence. Remember the cubit? pi/6? If you draw a circle of diameter 1 and subtract away the pi/6 piece, removing 1 piece out of the 6 and leaving 5, you obviously get 5*pi/6. In an extremely bizarre coincidence, this is almost exactly golden-ratio squared. The pyramid features the golden ratio all over it and this is why, it uses a strange mathematical approximation link between pi and the golden ratio -- two completely unrelated constants.
If you take half the base of the pyramid and set it to one, the height of the pyramid will be the square root of the golden ratio, while the slope will be the golden ratio itself.
Let's go up one level, to the moon where the Lunarians from Touhou await.
Not many know this but the ratio of the diameters of the moon and the earth are an almost perfect 11:3. Did you know this? I certainly did not until recently and that the diagram involves a pythagorean 3-4-5 triangle.
Now to do some math, you'll have to do this at home because I'm getting sleepy and can't include more than one image per post:
In pic related, form a triangle involving the center of the earth, a point at the equator of the earth and the center of the moon. If you do the math you'll find that the hypotenuse (the slope) of the triangle is equal to:
sqrt(317)/11 which is approximately the golden ratio to 4 decimal places.
By the way, this means that the moon is also related to the speed of light as its diameter is related to the Earth's diameter by an integer ratio factor.