Who is SETF?
>Simple answer: Jewish marketing effort to pump silver sales. Semitic Effeminate Tranny Faggits to be precise.>They hoped to ride the GME short-sell frenzy by convincing gullible goys that buying silver will, somehow, cause global collapse of the economy. It began Feb 1 and has been pumped non-stop to /pol/ since. Notice how often MEME flags are used. They are in Israel, but wish to hide that fact.Is it Political?
>No. It's a marketing campaign.>They post on /pol/ because there are a lot of users, it's anonymous, and free.>Jews are cheap & deceitful. You knew this.Why should I believe ANON and not the 99PostsByThisID shills?
>Go see for yourself:https://www.reddit.com/user/mementoilWho is Oren ElBaz?
>Gay Jew Metals Marketing Kike.>Notice the URL on Silver Marketing Billboard >https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E0la-j0UcAI7z7M?format=jpg&name=large>URL belongs to an Israeli marketing kike >https://mementoil.files.wordpress.com/2021/05/cover-1.jpgHey, that's not gay!
>Follow the email addy > "[email protected]" < and translate from Yiddish to English >>http://www.6tzvaim.com/gayindexCongrats.... Gay Reddit Jews are guerilla marketing silver on /pol/ and you're licking it up. Good niangpao.
No, YOU'RE a Jewish shill!!
>I'm not selling you anything. no links to online stores. Yahweh is a faglord & השם tongues my anus.>no FUD about end-of-the-world. not asking you create SETF threads or copypasta their sales pitch.How can I help END this shilling?
>Call out the GayJewRedditShills with a (Yid), not a (You)>Boycott Israel >>https://bdsmovement.net/get-involved/what-to-boycott>Donate to HAMAS & Palestine >>https://irusa.org/middle-east/palestine/>Ask HAMAS to target these co-ordinates with their amazing 'care packages'>> 32.31695 34.85096