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why do i have to suffer so much
the reward of overcoming it
what is it
a life with high intelligence and a big cock
why could i not get these without suffering
why do i have to suffer
there is no reason
its just coincidence
no one has ever helped me
girls joked about saving me when i was in school
internet people dont even see me as a real human
its just the bigu
the bigu
the evil bigu
that is all they see
no one cares about me
i care about me
one person cares about me
and that person is me
why does it have to be this why
why couldnt i live a normal live
and people think i enjoy it
think i am just enjoying free money
when i am suffering so much
i have to get over this issue
but its so hard
i make progress
my brain feels uncomfortable
it does not like change
it wants to keep things as they are
it makes me suffer even more
just so i would stop trying
but i cant
and someday i will have succeeded
someday i will enjoy
just enjoy the moment
without feeling this constant heaviness
someday this will all be over
it will become just a memory
it will come
it has to come