>>13911805Omeletto on youtube is also a hidden gem. as well as IQIYI. Those 2 options cannot be taken down or be declared propaganda or pirating. Think about it. There's no money in short film so they get abandoned on Omoletto eventually. Theyre films pure art.
As a backlash against ZOG television I have taken up the hobby of writing short film scripts and sending them to ZOG bots. We're talking scripts about a man rapes his dad gives him AIDS then the dad finds out he was black out drunk at a xmas party and it was consensual. Then I send them to ZOG brands looking to in content advertise or Writing agents and managers to review. Eventually I want to actually infiltrate the short film festivals. But budget requires money and Short films are a loss leader. So I dont actually want to spend out of pocket trolling. So not sure what to do besides continue trolling execs.