>>3094003You say you "study the ideologies that are opposed to yours", yet you still say that communism goes to authoritarian state... Yes, most people who call themselves quote on quote "communists" are such fucking faggots. They are the reason even intelligent people see communism as such. No it's not.
>inb4 you say it's a big meme or somethingWell, wouldn't call it a big meme. More of a cult, same thing that happens with neonazis and such. They are just a band of pretentious teenagers during their rebellious stage. We have all been there.
>It's progressing towards authoritarian statism. It's not a good thing.No, it progresses towards the state of no countries, no borders, no currency, no divisions, equality etc. etc. have you actually read my post? I believe I stated that there are no rulers in communism, didn't I?
>So only in countries that have freer markets and thus are better off because of those free markets should people attempt communism? Why?For a greater good of all humans, for the world, for the people. Something that people like you don't understand it seems. The problem is how to make everybody want that,as most people would if you gave them a simple choice with no context.
And don't talk to me in plural. I don't identify with any group. How rare it is to see someone that can discuss communism somewhat rationally.