>>21721307No one gives a fuck what they say anon. They lie and pretend doing psychological manipulation just like JIDF does. On /pol/ it's always the same Discord team led by a Turkroach in Germany and his albino nigger burger boss. There are too many examples of them promoting race-mixing now, screencapped and archived. If you want to show anons their true colors, just post the following and don't let the christnigger evade giving an answer:
Answer right now, who do you choose:
>The White race>ChristendomThe christjew will refuse to answer, to openly tell you they choose christendom over race, race doesn't matter just christ's kingdom, etc. Let them lie about being pro-white all day, they prove the opposite in every other way. Christians are fanatical soldiers for white genocide, they're eager handmaidens of the jewish agenda.
Every christian denomination, every church, every christian NGO is comitting white genocide. Meanwhile, the ones who come here to tell you christianity is pro white, can't even say they'd choose their race over "getting more souls to convert". What's the point of christianity (and how is it "pro white") if it convinces you not to care about saving your people?