Note that some of these use fisheye lenses or lenses with heavy distortion, so flat Earthers will not accept them as proof of the globe. That's OK because the first link uses a proven, distortion free lens on a continuous ride to over 293k feet and kills the disk with curve. The rest of these are just cool.
https://youtu.be/4QsEPEhq5ykShuttle SRB view to space:
https://youtu.be/cLl7oqdm_B8https://youtu.be/WCKHXbAKOWsShuttle SRBs to space and back.
https://youtu.be/2aCOyOvOw5chttps://youtu.be/527fb3-UZGohttps://youtu.be/B1R3dTdcpSUShuttle external tank camera:
https://youtu.be/LlMne06CGP8Atlas V rocket cam:
https://youtu.be/SGGYYqDDfRISounding rocket straight to 161 miles altitude:
https://youtu.be/ni7S8yyYrAwRocket launch as seen from ISS. I'm sure the stupid flerfs will claim skyglow is MUH DOME!
https://youtu.be/B1R3dTdcpSUUP Aerospace launch / GoPro Awards:
https://youtu.be/bDoh8zQDT38More amateur launches...
GoFast 2014 launch:
https://youtu.be/001IXnp0ogcPHX4 launch:
https://youtu.be/g0imcpdLdB8Amateur launch to 121k feet: