Quoted By:
> Since you have absolute not the slightest clue who the real Jesus was
– I am sure you can explain to us with full proof evidence who the real Jesus was. You probably have pictures of him as well. You can just and only “believe” in him; which puts you in the perfect position for the Jews to take control over your mind. I can bet that you haven’t read the article with Reason.
> Jesus was the only one being ever who had the courage and guts you could not even dream of, who called out the so-called and self-styled jews
– He also called his biggest disciple Satan : He turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are an obstacle to me.” Anything and Anyone who denies God’s Will in the Bible – that is to say the Jewish Will – is called Satan. You, the average Christian, will also call me Satanic for not believing in your Jewish fairy tale. Therefore, you are the living proof for this explanation. Jesus called them the “synagogue of Satan”, because they didn’t properly follow Yahweh – at least according to his own interpretation – which has a lot to do with the stuff I explained in the article – they “rebelled” against him.