Quoted By:
>be powerfull tribe in africa
>kidnap the opposite weaker tribes
>chaindown the women up to 1000 in tiny dark and humid cells, in their own feces urines, and dead bodies for weeks and have them fight to the death for tiny amount of foods
>still hundred of years later we can see nails scraps on the walls, and the dead body and feces, blood create a 1 inche thick layers of matter on the ground.
>attach rebellous females by chain alll days in the sun, naked with no food or water untill they are weak
>every males gang rape her all troughout
>behead the females found unnatractive or pregnant from the opposite tribe
>all that while praying in the room above the prisonner to their cultish god for prosperity and to be blessed for their good deeds in the world.
>pic unrelated
>be european slavers in the cape coast slave castle