part 1
David Geffen
CLOSE friends with Bryan Singer(x-men director), and Spielberg(killed Heather O Rourke) has close ties to the lavender mob/Velvet mafia/gaybo mafia
Most likely killed Kurt Cobain(Kurt like Cornell, and Bennington made a deal they stepped out of effectively costing them their lives) Kurt is specifically portrayed in Steve Jackson's(a high level occultist') playing card game NEW WORLD ORDER
Zodiac Productions confirms the use of Magicks in the recording studio FEATURED IN THE BACKMASQUERADE CARD
Backer of DEN(digital entertainment network)DEN gets busted for throwing sleepovers where male actors who were minors would attend, and were encouraged to abuse drugs given to them
Spielberg, and Geffen were supporters of DEN, and graciously backed DEN with large sums of money
Tom Hanks who recently came under fire over possible child abuse allegations is close friends with David Geffen(has been photographed multiple times with him)
Has been noted to have bribed a multitude of officials, and journalists, and it has been stated that millions of dollars have been spent doing so
Michael Jackson spent millions of dollars on a black magic ritual provided by a black magician to "curse" spielberg, and geffen
Michael Jackson claims spielgberg, and geffen used him as a scapegoat when allegations towards spielberg, and geffen were being made
Jackson, and spielberg used to be best friends
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