>>20989831But her love for new experiences and a fondness for the beach wasn’t the only thing that drove Lexi to seek out a change of pace. No. The truth is, ever since she competed in a tag match alongside Miss O’Brian, one specific moment has been stuck in Lexi’s head. The moment Mighty Milf effortlessly lifted her up over her head and powerbombed her to the mat.
In truth, Lexi had been a little shellshocked by the moment. For most wrestlers, being powerbombed was a routine experience. But never in her short pro career, nor during her time sparring against diminutive Japanese girls in the GJPW dojo had Lexi ever been handled in such a way.
But if Milf could do that to her, there was no shortage of other women in the WWA who could do the same. And that fact excited Lexi. Fighting women as physically powerful as herself, if not moreso, was exactly the sort of new experience she craved. And fuelled by the competitive nature drilled into her by being an athlete for most of her life, Lexi wanted to test herself against some of these women.